

Discover the History of Leros through Leros Military History

Have you ever wondered how much history can fit into just 53 square kilometers?

Discover the History of Leros through Leros Military History

The island of Leros, renowned for its rich history and unparalleled beauty, now has a dedicated website for exploring its military history: Leros Military History (LMH). This website was created to honor the island’s cultural and military legacy, showcasing its fascinating past through modern perspectives and meticulous research.

Ακρωτήριο κατσούνι, PL 250 & PL 227
Ακρωτήριο κατσούνι, PL 250 & PL 227

LMH is the result of a team driven by dedication and enthusiasm. The project is coordinated by Dr. Labros Sidossis, with photographer Markos Spanos, whose creativity and talent bring the island to life through his lens. The website’s elegant, user-friendly design is the work of Manolis Makris, while researcher and collector Nikos Kafentzis has devoted his life to studying Leros’s military history, gathering rare materials, including the story of the Battle of Leros in 1943.

The team quickly expanded, bringing in talents such as filmmaker Ioanna Asmen, field researcher Frantsesko DiPierro, and Enzo Bonano. In addition, local organizations, associations, and supporters both on and off the island have actively contributed to this ambitious project.

Όρος Πατέλλα, Fam Dicat Διοίκηση
Όρος Πατέλλα, Fam Dicat Διοίκηση
Όρος Σκουμπάρδα , PL 262
Όρος Σκουμπάρδα , PL 262

Collaborating Organizations

  • Municipality of Leros
  • Institute of Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine
  • DOPAISAP (Municipal Organization for Nursery Schools, Sports, and Culture of Leros)
  • KPEA Artemis – Leros
  • Leros Theatrical Group
  • Leros Nautical Club
  • Portolago Cultural Association
  • AIAL (aial.gr)

Currently in its beta phase, the website already promises to become a valuable resource for showcasing the island’s history. Soon, its content will be available in three languages (Greek, Italian, and English), featuring extensive material and unique visual representations.

If you’d like to be part of this initiative, fill out the interest form here.

Let’s honor Leros’s history together and share it with the world!

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