Τhe Movie of the week: Sparrow’s Call
Leros Cinema Lakki, Leros, GreeceSPARROW'S CALL : Every day 19:00
SPARROW'S CALL : Every day 19:00
Thursday 31/10 till Wednesday 6/11 THE SUBSTANCE: Every day except Saturday 21:15
This year's 12th festival A month with Italian cinema presents in Leros, with the cooperation of the Municipality, five films belonging to the 10th traveling tribute 2024 which travels to 22 parts of Greece with the coordination of AIAL and the support of the Italian Education Institute of Athens. The films, with Greek subtitles, will be shown […]
Tuesday-Wensday 21:15 all the other days 19:00
Thursday till Monday 21:15 Tuesday and Wednesday 19:00
Sunday 10/11/2024 Annas place Crithoni 10€ with drink and small buffet ! The money will be offered at the animal shelter of the island!
Τhursday 14/11 till Wednesday 20/11 The Next Room time: 19:00
Thursday 11 till Wednesday 20/11 Red one : Time 21:15
15-17.11.2024 from 8:30 until 14:00 Location: Dona - The building is opposite the public dock in Lakki.
Movie of the week: GLADIATOR II Thursday 11/21 until Wednesday 11/27 at 18:30 & 21:15 Sunday 20:00.
Municipal Library 23/11/24
Every day 17:00