Bellinis Tower: A Friendly Gateway to Leros’ Rich History and Culture

In one of the most touristic destinations in Leros, Alinta, lies the Bellinis Tower museum, a luxurious mansion built according to the neo-gothic rhythm at the beginning of the 20th century and was completed by 1927.

The original owner and builder of the tower was Parisis Bellinis (from whom the name of the tower originates), an affluent member of the Greek Diaspora based in Egypt.

The tower came under the ownership of the Municipality of Leros in 1982 and has been operated ever since as a historical and folklore museum.

The stone-built building is two-story tall, with three-story tall towers, a large garden, and several other buildings within its premises, all following the same architectural rhythm. 

All the rooms of the tower are occupied with artifacts that represent different themes inspired by the diverse and intricate story of Leros.

Bellini Tower
Second floor-Towel Bellini
Second floor-Towel Bellini

On the 1st floor, one will find a folklore collection of local costumes and clothing, glasswork, everyday appliances, religious artifacts, embroidery, musical instruments, and mirrors of bygone eras. In the neighboring rooms lie art pieces of Kiriakos Tsakiris that were created in the period the artist was exiled in Leros, during the period of the Greek Military Dictatorship (1967-1974), while a whole room is dedicated to the role of the tower during WW2 as a requisitioned hospital, containing both a sterilization furnace and a surgical operations room.

On the second floor lie military exhibits, firearms, sabres, funeral crosses, and memorabilia from the destroyer RHN Vasilissa Olga (Queen Olga), artifacts from the battle of Leros and the sinking of the destroyer (26/09/1943), exhibits that bring back tragic days, as well glorious memories of the history that it was written during the times of the italian and german occupation.


Next door, one can also find war materiel from the naval battle of Gerontas (29/08/1824), lithographs dating back to 1830, maps, portraits of benefactors, stamps, and other memorabilia of the 18th&19th century, as well as the piano of the original owner.

Of all the exhibits of the museum, the surgical room and the sterilization furnace, which travel the visitors back to the grim days of WW2, along with the artwork of Kiriakos Tsakiris, which portrays the dark days of his banishment in Leros, tend to collect the most attention as unique and one-of-a-kind. 

Thus, the visitors of the Bellinis Tower will discover an admirable, highly historical collection, since the exhibitions are not strictly folklore, that elevates the historical importance of Leros and the evolution of the island through the ages.

Within the premises of the museum, one can also find a library, a press room, as well as an art room. In the beautiful gardens, several cultural happenings take place in the summertime, like concerts, theatrical plays, and others.

The museum’s working hours will be announced with the opening of the summer season, so stay tuned for more news!

bellinis tower, leros
Bellinis Tower

TEL: +302247025040

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