

Discovering the Enigmatic Kasteli of Leros Island

Leros Island conceals a mysterious site known as Kasteli. It is a place where nature reigns supreme, with only sheep, goats, and the occasional shepherd dotting the landscape. Chained dogs stand guard, a poignant reminder of the isolation that characterizes this unique locale.

Referred to as Castelli on Italian maps, a name thought to be derived from the Latin “castellum” meaning castle or watchtower, Kasteli is perched atop a distinctive mountain. As the late Giorgos once mentioned, this mountain is more than just a geographical feature – it is a holy place that commands admiration.

At the summit of this extraordinary mountain, a colossal circular structure lies in ruins. The remnants of an observatory stand alongside it, and a rift in the earth releases hot air and water vapor, creating an almost surreal atmosphere. When one bends down to peer into its depths, they are greeted by an endless expanse and a life-filled environment.


This particular fault, lush with grass, ferns, and various plants, was already noted in F. Piacenza’s map dating back to 1688. The presence of life around the rift adds a layer of mystique to Kasteli, making it more than just a historical relic – it is a living testament to the island’s ancient past.

Standing at the top of Kasteli, one is treated to a panoramic view of the surroundings. The area is surrounded by ancient temples and structures that beckon the observer to ponder a fundamental question – will anyone ever truly appreciate this place? The monuments, slowly succumbing to the ravages of time, bear witness to the unfortunate consequences of incompetence and indifference.

It is disheartening that such a historically significant site has not received the attention it deserves. The hope, perhaps, lies in the belief that local authorities would step forward to protect and preserve this treasure. The throne entrusted to them by the people comes with responsibilities, and the duty to safeguard the cultural heritage of Kasteli should be among their top priorities.


Despite the apparent negligence, the narrator expresses an unwavering commitment to continue exploring this extraordinary place. Kasteli, with its rich history and awe-inspiring landscapes, remains a sacred island. The desire to document and share its story persists, hoping that one day, the world will recognize the importance of this hidden jewel in the heart of the Aegean.


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