Blood Donation
LEROS Katafigio Agrias Zois Koulouki - Merikia - Fitorio, Ag. Marina, Greece, Greece26-27-28/07 Blood Donation Lakki Area (DOPESAP BUILDING) 08:30-14:00
26-27-28/07 Blood Donation Lakki Area (DOPESAP BUILDING) 08:30-14:00
"At 7:30 PM, a grand festal Vespers will be officiated by Bishop Paisios of Leros, Kalymnos, and Astypalaia, with the participation of His Grace Bishop Stephanos of Stratonikeia, in the presence of the island's clergy. After the Vespers, there will be a procession of the Holy Icon, accompanied by the Municipal Philharmonic Orchestra, the […]
2 Shows Sunday 9/06 11:30 17:00 General entrance : 6€
Meeting point Cinema Theater in Lakki 10:00