A Seminar: Deinstitutionalization
Chrithoni Paradise Chritoni paradise, Leros, GreeceCommunity and cultural approaches to the psychosocial recovery and integration
Community and cultural approaches to the psychosocial recovery and integration
On Friday, June 21 at 9:30 the Caserma of herbs will open its "door" to history A unique tour experience that is not only limited in space but also in time since you will have the opportunity to watch the multi-award winning film by Ioanna Asmeniadou-Fokas "PORTOLAGO - GHOSTS IN THE AEGEAN". We are waiting […]
From Psychiatric Reform to Social Transformation: Community and Cultural Approaches in the Field of Mental Health, Child Protection, and Refugee Issues Organized by: ● “Ploes” - Society for Psychosocial Studies ((http://www.ploes.org.gr)) ● Psychosocial Reflection Group - OPSK ((http://www.omikronpsikappa.gr)) www.omikronpsikappa.gr/leros_24/