
Shira Halperin

In the summer of 2014, my other half, Noam, and I sailed our yacht from Tel Aviv to Greece’s islands for the first time. We had both quit our senior positions in one of the largest worldwide tech companies and finally had more time for sailing.

We planned to visit five or six different islands every summer and, with time, get to know not only many islands, but also Greece’s mainland and other countries.

But our plan failed.

We fell in love with Leros. Every summer, we wanted to come back again and again. We didn’t want to travel anywhere else. We wanted to stay in the beautiful bays, explore the island, and spend more time with the local people and travelers from around the world. We enjoyed the area, the food, the views, and the special vibe.

Eight years later, when our five children grew up and left home, we decided to sail one-way to Leros and settle in. We now live on this amazing Island with its special community—a life we never thought existed.

Shira Halperin

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