The 3 Moon Festival in Leros is active on our island and is held during its three summer months,  specifically on nights with a full moon. It hosts concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, as well as other artistic events that create a magical atmosphere under the moonlight in different parts of the island…

 It was created in 2010 from the idea of ​​the musician and conductor Takis Frangous, who left Athens and the big music scenes where he had been professionally active for years and chose life on the barren line with his family. His idea to create a cultural and artistic core here on the island, where his fellow artists would present their work to the residents, was loved by some people with the same artistic interests, the same sensibilities, and the same attitude to life.


In 2013, that idea came alive, the festival was incorporated, and over the years was famous enough and become a large cultural “reservoir.”

Old and new volunteers with a common vision of their love for culture and their desire to support this cultural summer celebration, held every summer for the annual festival.

The Festival is financed in its majority by the local citizens and by the various businesses of the island, which indicates the need of the islanders of the region for this kind of cultural and artistic stimuli.

It expresses the creative side of its people, brings the inhabitants of the island as well as its summer visitors in contact with the artistic life of the country until it becomes an experience of its viewers and accompanies them forever…

Here in Leros, we have the Festival which is perfectly suitable for us… and we proudly invite you to attend it…


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