
Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute

The lifestyle of the people living in the Mediterranean region has proven to be one of the healthiest and most enjoyable, based on available scientific evidence and the experience of people living it!

The main goal of the “Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute” in Leros, Greece, is to advance the concept of the traditional Mediterranean Lifestyle (tMedLife) as a healthy paradigm for global lifestyle medicine interventions.  The membership includes world experts in Lifestyle Science research, experienced Lifestyle Medicine clinicians, and leaders of national and global Lifestyle Medicine Organizations.

Mediterranean Lifestyle Institute

The Institute aspires to become a magnet for scientists (investigators, scholars, health professionals, and students) and policymakers from all over the world who will be coming to Greece and the island of Leros to not only study and learn but also live the MedLife!

We are also developing programs aimed as laypeople who want to experience the wellness and eudemonia associated with the tML, while learning about its health benefits for the body and (even more importantly) the mind and the soul!

Please visit our website https://medlifestyle.org to find out more about the Institute, and come visit us next time you are in Leros!


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