Leros Tennis Club

Tennis adds years to our lives, as it is one of the healthiest activities for fun, simultaneously exercising the body and mind, keeping the body alert, and coordinating the whole body and spirit. The mind never sleeps during a match; it focuses on tactics and problem-solving, Tennis fosters friendships, helps socialize individuals, promotes communication, and has a positive impact on an athlete’s social and professional life.

People of all ages – from children to grandparents – can enjoy playing tennis together, promoting fun and relaxation. Tennis teaches life lessons, especially to young players who learn discipline, responsibility, justice, and noble competition – all essential qualities for navigating life. Thus, tennis is a lifetime sport.

Leros Tennis Club
Leros Tennis Club

Objectives of the “Leros Tennis Club”:

Founded in November 2019 by tennis enthusiasts, the Leros Tennis Club aims to provide the best sports experience possible. The club uses the municipal tennis court located in Temenia, which has a grass surface. It is a recognized club of the Hellenic Philatelic Tennis Federation (EFOA) and registered in the Register of Sports Clubs.

Goals of the Leros Tennis Club:

  • Selecting and promoting new athletes
  • Engaging and entertaining children
  • Popularising the sport on the island
  • Maintaining an inclusive, open-to-the-public character
  • Teaching athletes proper tennis techniques and tactics
  • Encouraging players to view tennis as a sport or social activity
  • Participating in tournaments to promote Leros
  • Organizing tournaments for members and inter-club/regional competitions
  • Developing social and competitive tennis for children and adults

The club operates divisions for children, teenagers, adults, and competitive tennis players. Coaches assign athletes to appropriate divisions with a small number of participants to ensure the best training results.

Children’s divisions cater to those aged 5 and over, with a training program that is updated annually to follow modern learning methods. The teenage divisions target children aged 13 and over, aiming to introduce them to tennis. Competitive classes focus on further educating children with national-level competitive goals. Adult divisions are for individuals aged 18 and over, offering intense yet enjoyable training sessions to promote love for the sport.

The Leros Tennis Club organizes numerous events and activities, including:

  • Charity tournaments to help families in need in Leros
  • Interclub tournaments with clubs from the Dodecanese, mainland Greece, and abroad
  • Open adult tournaments
  • Children’s tournaments
  • Local LADDER championships
  • Tennis camps for members

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