Movie of the week – Night Swim (until 7.2.24)
Leros Cinema Lakki, Leros, GreeceMovie of the week - Night Swim 1/02/24 - 07/02/2024 Time: 21:15
Movie of the week - Night Swim 1/02/24 - 07/02/2024 Time: 21:15
Thursday 15/2 till Wednesday 21/2 time 19:00 and 21:15
Saturday 24/02 21:00 Free Entrance
Thursday (the time is not announced yet )
Εvery day 18:00 in Greek Language
Τhursday-Sunday-Tuesday Time: 19:oo Τhursday-Saturday-Monday-Wednesday Time: 21:30
Τhursday-Saturday-Monday-Wednesday time 19:00 Friday-Sunday-Tuesday time:21:30
Thursday tiIl Sunday time 22:00 Monday till Wednesday time 19:30
Open Summer Cinema Theater Friday 14/06 till Wednesday 21:30
Thursday 27/06 till 03/07 time 22:30
Thursday till Wednesday 21:30