About Leros
Κορυφαία αξιοθέατα

Παναγία του Κάστρου της Λέρου: Ένας Θησαυρός Ιστορίας και Πίστης

Εξερευνήστε το ιστορικό Κάστρο της Παναγίας στο νησί της Λέρου. Ανακαλύψτε ένα βυζαντινό φρούριο, μια αγιολογία, και εκπληκτική θέα. Ανακαλύψτε αιώνες ιστορίας και ζήστε τον πλούτο της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς του νησιού.
Explore Leros Museums (Summer 2024 Hours Included)
Explore Leros Museums (Summer 2024 Hours Included)

Εξερευνήστε τα Μουσεία της Λέρου (Περιλαμβάνονται οι Ώρες Λειτουργίας για το Καλοκαίρι 2024)

Explore Leros Museums (Summer 2024 Hours Included)
Explore Leros Museums (Summer 2024 Hours Included)
Ανακαλύψτε τα συναρπαστικά μουσεία της Λέρου και σχεδιάστε την πολιτιστική σας περιπέτεια! Αυτός ο οδηγός περιλαμβάνει τις ενημερωμένες ώρες λειτουργίας κάθε μουσείου για το καλοκαίρι 2024.
The Castle of Leros
The Castle of Leros-Photo by Markos Spanos

Η Παναγία του Κάστρου: Ένα οχυρό πλούσιο σε ιστορία και πολιτισμό

The Castle of Leros
The Castle of Leros-Photo by Markos Spanos
Discover the rich history of Leros Panagia Castle, an 11th-century Byzantine fortress boasting stunning views, ancient ruins, and a testament to the island's diverse cultural heritage. Explore the Byzantine church, Ottoman mosque, and impressive fortifications.
Leros has always been a true case study, an island shrouded with mysteries and legends, most of them connecting to the sea. With a tradition carrying over from the Middle Ages, from the far bygone eras of Byzantium, especially due to the time of Iconoclasm, Leros was always a safe haven for several special icons. One of those very special icons lie at the church of St. Isidorus.
The small church is located inside Gourna Bay – and the inside is literal: St. Isidorus stands smack in the middle of the bay, connected to the land through a small strip of concrete and rocks. Built somewhere around the 14th century, the small church is reminiscent of several normandian castles, where the tide either covers or not their way to the entrance. However, the location is not a newfound one – quite the opposite. The church was built upon ancient ruins, some of which can be easily seen even today as you walk over them, and in fact, part of the small strip to the Saint is built with ruins from the bygone era.
In fact, recent research shows that the ancient port of “Porta” has actually provided the foundation of St. Isidorus, a port that it is thought to have had both an ancient temple as well as several defensive and commercial buildings built in the broader area. This port has been documented in several ancient sources. Yet, its exact position was actually searched for quite a while.
What is even more interesting is the story behind the Icon itself. The story starts at the sea, where a poor, one-handed fisherman tries to make a living, barely coping. As he was fishing around, the icon was caught in the fishing nets of the poor fisherman. The icon, showing gratitude towards the poor fisherman, granted the man a wish, and the man asked to have his second hand back, and by miracle, he actually got it back. Out of gratitude to the Saint, the fisherman built the small church in the middle of the sea, where it has stood ever since, defying the all-mighty elements of mother nature.
Whether the legend is an actuality seems highly irrelevant. The legend of St. Isidorus just adds more mystique to the already unique small church. Considered amongst the most impressive and beautiful churches of Greece, in part due to the astounding and awe-inspiring sunsets that you can witness at the location, St. Isidorus remains one of the most unique yet under-the-radar locations for several weddings and baptisms. Nowadays, the church is celebrated as always every year on the 14th of May, the name-day of St. Isidorus, with high honors and true celebrations taking place every year. Just, when you visit both St. Isidorus and Leros, always look around, and especially towards the sea… As always, when it comes to Leros, you just never know where and when you are gonna find your next personal treasure…
The Mystery and Legend of St. Isidorus: The Unique Church Standing in the Middle of the Sea on Leros Island

Το Μυστήριο και ο Θρύλος του Αγ. Ισιδώρου

Leros has always been a true case study, an island shrouded with mysteries and legends, most of them connecting to the sea. With a tradition carrying over from the Middle Ages, from the far bygone eras of Byzantium, especially due to the time of Iconoclasm, Leros was always a safe haven for several special icons. One of those very special icons lie at the church of St. Isidorus.
The small church is located inside Gourna Bay – and the inside is literal: St. Isidorus stands smack in the middle of the bay, connected to the land through a small strip of concrete and rocks. Built somewhere around the 14th century, the small church is reminiscent of several normandian castles, where the tide either covers or not their way to the entrance. However, the location is not a newfound one – quite the opposite. The church was built upon ancient ruins, some of which can be easily seen even today as you walk over them, and in fact, part of the small strip to the Saint is built with ruins from the bygone era.
In fact, recent research shows that the ancient port of “Porta” has actually provided the foundation of St. Isidorus, a port that it is thought to have had both an ancient temple as well as several defensive and commercial buildings built in the broader area. This port has been documented in several ancient sources. Yet, its exact position was actually searched for quite a while.
What is even more interesting is the story behind the Icon itself. The story starts at the sea, where a poor, one-handed fisherman tries to make a living, barely coping. As he was fishing around, the icon was caught in the fishing nets of the poor fisherman. The icon, showing gratitude towards the poor fisherman, granted the man a wish, and the man asked to have his second hand back, and by miracle, he actually got it back. Out of gratitude to the Saint, the fisherman built the small church in the middle of the sea, where it has stood ever since, defying the all-mighty elements of mother nature.
Whether the legend is an actuality seems highly irrelevant. The legend of St. Isidorus just adds more mystique to the already unique small church. Considered amongst the most impressive and beautiful churches of Greece, in part due to the astounding and awe-inspiring sunsets that you can witness at the location, St. Isidorus remains one of the most unique yet under-the-radar locations for several weddings and baptisms. Nowadays, the church is celebrated as always every year on the 14th of May, the name-day of St. Isidorus, with high honors and true celebrations taking place every year. Just, when you visit both St. Isidorus and Leros, always look around, and especially towards the sea… As always, when it comes to Leros, you just never know where and when you are gonna find your next personal treasure…
The Mystery and Legend of St. Isidorus: The Unique Church Standing in the Middle of the Sea on Leros Island
Εξερευνήστε το μυστήριο και τον θρύλο του Αγ. Ισιδώρου, μιας μοναδικής εκκλησίας που στέκεται στην μέση της θάλασσας στο νησί της Λέρου. Ανακαλύψτε την ιστορία πίσω από τα αρχαία ερείπια και την θαυματουργή εικόνα, και μάθετε για την παράδοση και τους εορτασμούς που περιβάλλουν αυτό το εντυπωσιακό και όμορφο ξωκλήσι.
Panagia Kavouradaina-Photo by Markos Spanos
Panagia Kavouradaina-Photo by Markos Spanos

Η Παναγία Καβουράδαινα: Το μοναδικό ξωκλήσι στην άκρη του Ξηροκάμπου της Λέρου και οι θρύλοι που την περιβάλλουν

Panagia Kavouradaina-Photo by Markos Spanos
Panagia Kavouradaina-Photo by Markos Spanos
Εξερευνήστε το μαγευτικό νησί της Λέρου, όπου ο θρύλος και η πραγματικότητα συγκλίνουν στο μοναδικό παρεκκλήσι της Παναγίας της Καβουράδαινας, με την Παναγία που απεικονίζεται μέσα σε ένα καβούρι. Βυθιστείτε στην πλούσια βυζαντινή κληρονομιά και τις μαγευτικές ιστορίες που περιβάλλουν αυτό το μαγευτικό παραθαλάσσιο σκηνικό.
Palaiokastro-Photo by Popi Filakouri
Palaiokastro-Photo by Popi Filakouri

Kάστρο των Λεπίδων

Palaiokastro-Photo by Popi Filakouri
Palaiokastro-Photo by Popi Filakouri
Εξερευνήστε την πλούσια ιστορία του Κάστρου των Λεπίδων, γνωστό και ως Παλαιόκαστρο, που βρίσκεται στον Ξηρόκαμπο της Λέρου. Ανακαλύψτε τις αρχαίες καταβολές του, τις βυζαντινές και μεσαιωνικές του συνδέσεις και τη σημερινή του κατάσταση.
Lakki architecture
Lakki area-photo by Markos Spanos

Εξερευνήστε την τέχνη, την αρχιτεκτονική και την ιστορία του Λακκίου Λέρου: Ένα κρυμμένο στολίδι για τους λάτρεις της τέχνης

Lakki architecture
Lakki area-photo by Markos Spanos
Ανακαλύψτε τη Λέρο, ένα κρυφό διαμάντι για λάτρεις της τέχνης και της αρχιτεκτονικής, με μια πλούσια ιστορία και πολιτισμό. Εξερευνήστε εγκαταλελειμμένα κτίρια και σύγχρονες γκαλερί τέχνης, απολαύστε τους φανταστικούς τοίχους του Β' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου και θαυμάστε τη μοναδική ρασιοναλιστική αρχιτεκτονική του Λακκίου. Μη χάσετε τις πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις και παραστάσεις.
The Castle of Virgin Mary
The Castle of Virgin Mary /photo by Markos Spanos

Κάστρο της Παναγίας στην Λέρο: Ένα Φρούριο Πλούσιο σε Ιστορία και Πολιτισμό

The Castle of Virgin Mary
The Castle of Virgin Mary /photo by Markos Spanos
Ανακαλύψτε την ιστορία του Κάστρου της Παναγίας στην Λέρο. Εξερευνήστε το επιβλητικό φρούριο της Βυζαντινής περιόδου με τα ψηλά τείχη και τους πύργους που προσφέρουν μια μαγευτική θέα στη θάλασσα και τη γύρω ύπαιθρο. Μέσα από τα πολλά αντικείμενα και τα ερείπια, καθώς επίσης κι από την Βυζαντινή εκκλησία και το Οθωμανικό τζαμί, το κάστρο προσφέρει ένα εντυπωσιακό ταξίδι στο παρελθόν που χωρίς καμιά αμφιβολία θα συναρπάσει οποιονδήποτε το επισκεφτεί.
Windmills-Photo by Passenger
Windmills-Photo by Passenger

Η διαχρονική γοητεία των ανεμόμυλων της Λέρου

Windmills-Photo by Passenger
Windmills-Photo by Passenger

Η διαχρονική γοητεία των ανεμόμυλων της Λέρου: Ένα Σύμβολο της Παραδοσιακής Ελληνικής Νησιωτικής Ζωής. Το νησί της Λέρου είναι γνωστό για την πλούσια ιστορία και τα γραφικά τοπία του. Εκτός […]

Αgia Kioura
Agia Kioura- Photo by Markos Spanos

Η εκπληκτική ιστορία της Αγίας Κιουράς: Μια μικρή εκκλησία στη Λέρο ζωγραφισμένη από πολιτικούς εξόριστους.

Αgia Kioura
Agia Kioura- Photo by Markos Spanos
Ανακαλύψτε την αξιοσημείωτη ιστορία της Αγίας Κιουράς, μιας μικρής εκκλησίας στη Λέρο που ζωγράφισαν πολιτικοί εξόριστοι κατά τη διάρκεια της ελληνικής δικτατορίας. Μάθετε για τις μοναδικές αγιογραφίες, τους καλλιτέχνες και τη σημασία της εκκλησίας στη σύγχρονη ελληνική ιστορία.

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