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Κέντρο Πολιτισμού Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης Λέρου “Άρτεμις”

The Center for Culture Research and Development of Leros “ARTEMI” was founded in 1977 with the aim of cultural upgrading of the residents of Leros and their involvement in all forms of artistic, sports, and folk creativity, as well as promoting Leros.

Through its departments, including dance, theater, chess, folklore, choir, sports, music, publishing, and music publishing, it has managed over the decades to promote the creativity of Leros residents. For this reason, it has traveled to dozens of prefectures in Greece, as well as countries in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa, while also providing hundreds of young people the opportunity to explore other places, people, and cultures.

Today, it is ranked among the most organized and active associations not only in the Aegean but throughout the country, and enjoys special appreciation, not only from individuals but also from organizations, institutions, and universities with which it collaborates over time, for its work in the dissemination and preservation of folk cultural heritage, protection of the environment (natural and structural), the history of our region, and of course, humanity.

Artemis cultural club
Artemis cultural club

As part of this, it organizes a festival of traditional music, in which dozens of musicians and traditional singers of all ages participate, who accompany the club in every appearance within and outside of Leros, and, together with the dance department (420 members) form the backbone of the club and the source of personnel mainly for the other departments.

Through the publishing department, it has published several books on the history and promotion of the island, while with the music publishing department, it has recorded CDs that concern the traditional music of Leros and the wider Dodecanese.

The modern Greek song department, in collaboration with composers, musicians, and singers from all over the country, organizes concerts and music performances in Leros as well as in foreign countries as part of the long-term collaborations of “ARTEMIS” or upon invitation.

More than 550 residents of Leros, mostly young people, are creatively engaged at the club’s departments, while executives (dance teachers, musicians, singers, researchers, etc.) travel around the world collaborating with various institutions of the Greek diaspora, as well as foreign countries. In this context, collaborations are carried out at the level of exchanges, cultural events, and research programs aimed at the face-to-face cooperation of the members of “ARTEMIS” and the corresponding institutions.

Our organization gives the opportunity to anyone who arrives on our island to participate in all the activities carried out by the departments during each period. Also, after consulting with the relevant departments, one can participate in the seminars implemented by “ARTEMIS”, as well as, in particular, individual or group programs, if deemed necessary. These programs-seminars mainly concern music, both nationwide and local, Greek traditional dance, as well as local traditional cuisine.

Artemis culture center

Finally, in collaboration with the chess club “Zatrikion”, which is based in the “ARTEMIS” space, we organize lessons, matches, and chess tournaments.

You can watch videos that photos of our actions in Leros, Greece, and the rest of the world on our YouTube channel (Artemis Leros • Culture Club).

Artemis cultural club

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