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Μοναστήρι Αγίου Ισιδώρου

Leros has always been a true case study, an island shrouded with mysteries and legends, most of them connecting to the sea. With a tradition carrying over from the Middle Ages, from the far bygone eras of Byzantium, especially due to the time of Iconoclasm, Leros was always a safe haven for several special icons. One of those very special icons lie at the church of St. Isidorus.
The small church is located inside Gourna Bay – and the inside is literal: St. Isidorus stands smack in the middle of the bay, connected to the land through a small strip of concrete and rocks. Built somewhere around the 14th century, the small church is reminiscent of several normandian castles, where the tide either covers or not their way to the entrance. However, the location is not a newfound one – quite the opposite. The church was built upon ancient ruins, some of which can be easily seen even today as you walk over them, and in fact, part of the small strip to the Saint is built with ruins from the bygone era.
In fact, recent research shows that the ancient port of “Porta” has actually provided the foundation of St. Isidorus, a port that it is thought to have had both an ancient temple as well as several defensive and commercial buildings built in the broader area. This port has been documented in several ancient sources. Yet, its exact position was actually searched for quite a while.
What is even more interesting is the story behind the Icon itself. The story starts at the sea, where a poor, one-handed fisherman tries to make a living, barely coping. As he was fishing around, the icon was caught in the fishing nets of the poor fisherman. The icon, showing gratitude towards the poor fisherman, granted the man a wish, and the man asked to have his second hand back, and by miracle, he actually got it back. Out of gratitude to the Saint, the fisherman built the small church in the middle of the sea, where it has stood ever since, defying the all-mighty elements of mother nature.
Whether the legend is an actuality seems highly irrelevant. The legend of St. Isidorus just adds more mystique to the already unique small church. Considered amongst the most impressive and beautiful churches of Greece, in part due to the astounding and awe-inspiring sunsets that you can witness at the location, St. Isidorus remains one of the most unique yet under-the-radar locations for several weddings and baptisms. Nowadays, the church is celebrated as always every year on the 14th of May, the name-day of St. Isidorus, with high honors and true celebrations taking place every year. Just, when you visit both St. Isidorus and Leros, always look around, and especially towards the sea… As always, when it comes to Leros, you just never know where and when you are gonna find your next personal treasure…

Με παρελθόν πάνω από 3000 χρόνια, η ελληνική ιστορία δεν γίνεται να είναι όλη φωτεινή. Εντούτοις, τα μνημεία των πιο σκοτεινών ημερών είναι εκείνα που δεν πρέπει να ξεχαστούν ποτέ. Η Αγία Κιουρά στέκεται ως ένα από κείνα τα μνημεία, μια μαρτυρία για την μάχη ενάντια στα μη-δημοκρατικά καθεστώτα. Αυτό το μικρό ξωκλήσι αγιογραφήθηκε από επιφανείς Έλληνες εξόριστους κατά τη διάρκεια της στρατιωτικής δικτατορίας στην Ελλάδα, κάτω από τις οδηγίες του Μανώλη Γλέζου, του ανθρώπου που ως έφηβος, κατέβασε την σημαία της Γερμανικής κατοχής από την Ακρόπολη. Η εικονογραφία δεν τηρεί το τυπικό ορθόδοξο ύφος, αλλά περισσότερο αντλεί έμπνευση από τον πόνο των εξόριστων, κάνοντας το μέρος τόσο ξεχωριστό ώστε να έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως ένα μνημείο σύγχρονης τέχνης από το Ελληνικό Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού.

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