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Wetlands of Leros (Bird Watching)

Every year from March to May, the island of Leros becomes a springtime therapeutic haven for many migratory birds in two wetland areas of the island. The two wetland habitats, located in Gourna and Germano, transform after winter rains, and the water and abundant vegetation becomes an oasis during their long journey. Various species of migratory birds have been observed, such as reed warblers, sedge warblers, stonechats, wheatears, a species of small ducks, and other unknown birds. Other animal species, such as green frogs and lizards, have also been recorded.

Hoping that these wetlands become more widely known, protected, and sustainably managed for the benefit of all organisms and humans alike, an educational video was created on YouTube as part of a school program by educator Georgios Marougas and a group of students.

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRzLtRI4m7U


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