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greek traditional dance seminar

Greek Traditional Dancing Seminar

July 31, 2023 - August 5, 2023

20th Greek traditional dance seminar « Let΄s meet the world of Greek dance».

the 20th workshop of traditional Greek dance starts on Monday, July 31st at 8 pm on Artemis terrace in Platanos with the opening party with live music and free entrance, followed by the launch of Artemis CD “Music from the traditional Leros wedding”.
The workshop will proceed on the following days at the time scheduled by the teaching manager Roula Chatzikostantinou in accordance with the enrollments collected at the opening party, and will be closed Saturday, August 5th by a dancing evening at Leon Limani (Lakki), opened to registered people and relatives,

Dance supervision: Zacharoula Papakonstantinou.

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